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Weiss/Manfredi projects featured in ACADIA 2022: Hybrids & Haecceities

Marion Weiss was invited to participate in the University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design's faculty exhibition in collaboration with ACADIAHybrids & Haecceities. The exhibition is part of a larger conference held on UPenn's campus in Philadelphia from October 24th through the 29th. The conference's exhibition was preceded by a series of workshops, keynote lectures, and panels held both online and in person and offered free to the public. Hyrbid & Haecceities "seeks novel approaches to design and research that dissolve binary conditions and inherent heirarchies in order to embrace new modes of practice." 

The exhibition featured a selection of Weiss/Manfredi designed projects including Yale University's Tsai Center for Innovative Thinking, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Hunter's Point South Waterfront Park, and current work-in-progress Longwood Gardens.

Tsai Center for Innovative Thinking at Yale University
Continuous sightlines unite spaces of creation and critique, encouraging interdisciplinary discourse.
Hunter's Point South Waterfront Park
Hunter’s Point South Waterfront Park transforms 30 acres of post-industrial waterfront into a program-rich public space that simultaneously acts as a protective perimeter for the neighboring residential community.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden Visitor Center
The Visitor Center provides a legible point of arrival and orientation, an interface between garden and city, culture and cultivation.